Section XI Tuition
Section XI Tuition
Tuition Payment Policy
In compliance with the regulation of the City University of New York, regarding registration and the collection of tuition and fees, all students who register must finalize their tuition bill by the due date indicated.
Outstanding Balances
In accordance with CUNY policy, students with outstanding tuition balances are not permitted to register for a subsequent semester. All prior balances must be paid in full before registering for a subsequent semester. In accordance with CUNY policy, past due balances are subject to placement with a collection agency within six months after the due date.
Tuition and fees for the 2024-2025 school year on a semester basis are:

Part-time program has a mandatory first summer session:
Resident/In-State tuition/fees: $4,057.50
Nonresident/Out-of-state/International tuition/fees: $6,517.50
*All tuition and fee schedules are subject to change without notice at any time upon action by the Board of Trustees of the City University of New York.
A Change of Program Adjustment Fee of $18.00 is due for adding or swapping any courses or class sections on or after the first day of classes.
We urge any course changes to be made prior to the first day of classes, when possible. Changes to your registration on or after the first day of classes may result in a tuition liability charge at a pro-rated amount, and/or can affect loan award disbursements resulting from the change in registration.
In addition to tuition, all students must pay a materials fee. This fee covers the costs of one-time expenses (e.g., printing diplomas) and recurring expenses (e.g., student copy card allocation each semester).
The student activity fee is allocated by the Law School Association to support Law School clubs and organizations.
The consolidated service fee is charged by the University to cover part of the cost of the administration of the University’s financial aid operation.
The technology fee is charged by the University to fund computer systems, services, and maintenance.