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5.2 Academic Standing Policies and Procedures

The following grades and scale (quality points) will be used to determine a student’s academic status:




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  1. A student’s grade point average (“GPA”) will be determined by multiplying the number of points awarded for the letter grade assigned to each course by the number of credits designated for each course and then dividing by the total number of credits for all the courses in which a student was awarded a letter grade. Letter grades earned in all courses (including first-year, first-semester courses) will be included in the computation, unless the student has timely elected the Credit/No Credit option. For courses graded Credit/No Credit, neither the grade of “CR” nor the credit hours will be included in the calculation of the GPA. However, if the student receives a grade of “C” or lower in a course taken Credit/No Credit, the grade of “NCL” and the scale (quality points) of 1.00 will be included in the calculation of the student’s GPA.

    For purposes of academic standing, a student’s semester average, not cumulative average, will be employed. All references in these rules to GPA refer to semester grade point average. (Thus, a 2.499 semester GPA places a student on probation, and a 2.299 first- semester GPA leads to a required restart.)

  2. No cumulative GPA will appear on the transcript.

  3. Transcript grades for the first semester will be entered as “CR” (Credit) for all courses in which a student earns a “D” or better and “NC” (No Credit) for courses which a student does not pass. Unless otherwise indicated in this policy, the calculation of GPAs for academic standing purposes will include first-semester grades.

  4. Any student who fails to achieve a GPA of 2.3 at the end of the first semester and wishes to continue in the program will be required to restart the program. Any student whose first-semester average is between 2.3 and 2.5 will be on probation but may choose to take a leave of absence for the semester and restart the following fall. Any student who still has an outstanding incomplete on the first day of that student’s second semester will be deemed to have failed the course for purposes of calculation of the GPA. A restarting student returns on probation and is subject to conditions set by the Academic Standing Committee which will ordinarily include the requirement that the student re-take all courses (including those passed the first time). Any credits earned prior to the student’s restart will not be counted toward graduation and will not be used in calculations of the student’s future GPA. Transcript entry for all courses taken prior to the restart will show “NC” (No Credit). No student will be permitted to restart the program more than once. A student who is required to restart the program because he or she achieved a GPA of less than 2.3 in the first semester, and after restarting the program is later dismissed under the academic standing policies, will not be allowed to re-enter.

  5. A student must achieve a 2.5 GPA in each semester to be in good standing. A student who has a GPA below 2.5 for any semester will be on probation for the following semester. Any student on probation must meet with the Academic Dean, who will determine the terms and conditions of probation, which may include registration in an academic support course, requirement of a specific academic program (including a reduced load), and recommended limits on work and extra-curricular activities. Academic support services will be available for all students on probation. A student with an outstanding incomplete on the first day of the semester following the semester in which the student was on probation will be deemed to have failed the course for purposes of calculation of the GPA (see Incomplete Grades on page 30).

  6. Unless contradicted by specific terms and conditions of probation set by the Academic Standing Committee or the Academic Dean, a student on probation will be permitted to withdraw from courses taken during the semester on probation during the time permitted for such withdrawals under the regular academic policy in force during that semester. A student who has withdrawn from a course once ordinarily will not be permitted to withdraw from that course again. Permission for a second withdrawal may be granted by the Academic Dean only upon determination that there are exigent circumstances that did not exist at the time the student enrolled in the course. If a student withdraws from all courses during that semester, the student may be granted a leave of absence under such terms and conditions, as prescribed by either the Academic Standing Committee or the Academic Dean.

  7. A student who has a GPA of 2.5 or above at the end of a semester on probation will be returned to good standing.

  8. A student who has been on probation in any semester will be dismissed at the end of that semester if the student earns a semester GPA below 2.5 for that semester. The rules governing application for re-entry for a student dismissed, pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph, are set forth in paragraphs 13-16 below.

    8a) A student who earns a GPA of less than 2.5 for any two non-consecutive semesters will be dismissed at the end of the second such semester, but that student may be granted immediate re-entry by the Academic Standing Committee upon proof of exceptional extenuating circumstances and a determination that the student is likely to successfully complete the program. In addition, the provisions in paragraphs 13(a)-16 apply to immediate re-entry applications. Unless immediate re-entry is sought and granted, the rules governing application for re-entry for a student dismissed, pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph, are set forth in paragraphs 13-16 below.

  9. A student who earns a GPA that would cause a third probation or who achieves a GPA of less than 2.5 for any three semesters will be automatically dismissed. The rules governing application for re-entry for a student dismissed, pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph, are set forth in paragraphs 13-16 below.

  10. Any student who has not yet taken a Clinic but has reached the required number of credits to enroll in a Clinic will be considered to have completed the fourth semester. A student who has a GPA below 2.5 will not be permitted to enroll in a Clinic, unless and until that student is returned to good standing.

  11. A student will not be permitted to graduate, unless the student is in good standing.

  12. Any student who has attempted but not earned sufficient credits to graduate will be considered to have completed the sixth semester. If a full-time student has a GPA below 2.5 at the end of the sixth semester or any later semester and has not been on probation before, the student will be required to attend a seventh semester under a program determined by the Academic Dean. If a part-time student has a GPA below 2.5 at the end of the eighth semester or any later semester and has not been on probation before, the student will be required to attend a ninth semester under a program determined by the Academic Dean.

  13. A dismissed student (except for a student dismissed after restarting pursuant to paragraph 4 above) may seek re-entry for a semester no sooner than two years following dismissal by filing a written petition for re-entry, pursuant to the requirements in paragraph 14. Although a student must file the petition for re-entry during the two-year period between dismissal and re-entry, even if the petition is granted, four semesters must elapse before the student can be re-enrolled. A dismissed student may seek, and the Academic Standing Committee may grant, re-entry one year following dismissal, upon a showing by the student that the dismissal was caused by exceptional, non-recurring, extenuating circumstances that no longer exist. If re-entry is granted, the Academic Standing Committee will fashion such terms and conditions as it deems appropriate.

    13a) A re-entered student will be on probation and will be, at a minimum, required to attain a GPA of 2.5 or above to continue in the program. The terms and conditions of re-entry will be detailed in writing in a re-entry contract. No student will be re-entered until that student agrees in writing to the terms of the re-entry prescribed by the Academic Standing Committee. A student is permitted to re- enter only once.

  14. Petitions for re-entry must be submitted in writing to the Academic Dean. A petition for re-entry for a fall semester must be filed no later than May 1st. A petition for re-entry for a spring semester must be filed no later than October 1st. The Academic Standing Committee ordinarily will act on the petition and notify the petitioner of its decision in sufficient time to permit the student to register in the appropriate semester, if the petition is granted. Except in extreme circumstances, re-entry during the summer session will not be permitted. The Academic Standing Committee will make determination for re-entry based on written petitions; a petitioning student will be notified if the Committee determines that a personal appearance by the student is necessary. The Committee’s decision on a petition for re-entry is final, unless, upon appeal to the Dean, it is determined that the Committee’s action was arbitrary and capricious or that the Committee exceeded its authority.

  15. No student will be re-entered unless the student demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Academic Standing Committee that the student is likely to successfully complete the program and the requirements for graduation. To aid in the Committee’s determination, petitions should include an explanation of what led to the student’s prior difficulties and the changed circumstances that would now lead to successful completion of the program (including a description of what the student has done during the waiting period that will enable academic success). The petitioning student has the burden of providing a concrete proposal that will lead to academic success.

It is strongly recommended that the petition contain: (a) details concerning whether and how the student used the academic support resources available during the student’s prior enrollment, and (b) a detailed plan for continuation in the program, including courses to be taken and the identification of available resources to enable successful completion of those courses.

  1. The Academic Standing Committee may, in the course of its consideration of a petition for re-entry, review any information available in records existing at the Law School, including the records existing in the Admissions Office, the Office of Registration and Student Records Management, the Dean of Students Office, and the Academic Affairs Office, as well as the student’s lawyering seminar work file and examination file. The Committee may also consult with faculty members familiar with the student’s academic performance.

  2. The requirements for graduation are separate from the criteria for return to good academic standing. Students must also fulfill all graduation requirements before they may receive a diploma. Students who are placed on probation at the end of the sixth or eighth semester may not graduate until they have been returned to good academic standing.

Example: A full-time student successfully completes five semesters without being on probation. In her sixth semester, she earns a GPA below 2.5 and is on probation. The student cannot graduate; instead, she must attend a seventh semester under a program determined by the Academic Dean. Courses taken during a summer semester do not affect academic standing (see below).

Example: A full-time student is on probation during his first semester, but returns to good standing the following semester. He successfully completes the next three semesters without being on probation. In his sixth semester, he earns a GPA below 2.5. The student is dismissed and cannot graduate; instead, he must petition the Academic Standing Committee for immediate re-entry and permission to continue in the program. If his petition is granted, he must take at least one course to return to good standing. Courses taken during a summer semester do not affect academic standing (see below).

  1. Effects of Probation

    During the semester a student is on probation, in addition to the foregoing paragraphs, the following also applies:

    1. the student must enroll in Legal Methods while on probation (full-time, first-year students only);

    1. the student may not take courses under the Credit/No Credit Option;

    2. the student may not serve as officer of a student group during the semester while on probation;

    3. the student will be prohibited from applying for or serving in school-approved internships or placements, except under extraordinary circumstances;

    4. the student will be prohibited from serving on the Academic Standing Committee; and

    5. the student may not take more than 16 credits a semester or more than 6 credits in the summer session and may be required to take a reduced credit load.

  2. Nothing in these rules waives or grants any rights, obligations, or requirements related to University regulations or fees, New York State Court of Appeals rules for certification to take the bar examination or for admission to the bar, financial aid qualifications or rules, or any other rule or obligation prescribed by an authority other than the CUNY School of Law to which the Law School or the student has obligations or responsibilities.

(Adopted by the CUNY School of Law Faculty on May 20, 1999; amended on January 29, 2003, effective for all students beginning in Fall 2003; amended on November 30, 2011, effective beginning in spring 2012.)

[Clarifications consistent with the policies adopted by the Faculty and the CUNY Board of Trustees have been added to this statement of the policy.]

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