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6.18 Board of Trustees Resolution Implementing University Policy to Combat Bigotry and Promote Pluralism and Diversity

The procedures in effect at CUNY Law for dealing with bias related crime: 

Students who have been a victim of a bias-related crime should immediately report the incident to the following offices: 

Student Affairs 

Chief Student Affairs Officer, Room 5-117, (718) 340-4635 

Public Safety 

Chief Public Safety Officer, Room 1-301, (718) 340-4270 

The availability of counseling and other support services for the victims of a bias-related crime: 

Anyone who is a victim of a bias-related crime is encouraged to seek supportive counseling from a trained mental health professional. An experienced trauma-informed counselor is available at the Law School to provide crisis intervention, and referral to community-based support groups and professional organizations. The Law School will assist any student wishing to contact outside agencies, including local police, regarding charges and complaints of a bias-related crime. The Law School can also assist in changing academic schedules after an alleged incident.  

On-campus resources: 

  • Campus Security: Room 1-301, (718) 340-4270 

  • Counselor: Room 5-112, (718) 340-4533 

  • Student Affairs: Room 5-117, (718) 340-4207 

Off-campus resources: 

  • New York City Police Department 108 Precinct 718-784-5411

  • Manhattan District Attorney, Community Partnership Unit (212) 335-3100

  • Queens District Attorney, Hate Crimes Bureau (718) 286-7010 

  • Bronx District Attorney, (718) 590-7301

  • Brooklyn District Attorney, Hate Crimes Unit (718) 250-4949 

  • Staten Island District Attorney, Special Victims Unit (718) 697-8333 

  • Safe Horizons Hotline – Crime Victims Assistance Program (212) 577-7777. This service is open 24 hours, seven days a week and provides crises intervention for crime victims. 

  • The Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project (212) 714-1141 (24-hour hotline). This service provides short-term crisis counseling, advocacy services, and referrals for long-term counseling. 

  • National Hate Crimes Hotline (800) 225-5324

The nature of and common circumstances relating to bias-related crimes on college campuses: 

Hate crime laws are designed to send the message that hate, and bias-motivated crimes will not be tolerated, because they are often attempts to silence and instill fear into entire groups. Reporting hate-related incidents helps survivors take advantage of recovery services and enables our community to build up statistics and patterns of crime, providing an opportunity of catching offenders or preventing the violence altogether. 

The key criterion in determining whether any crime or incident fits into the definition of a hate- or bias-related crime is the motivation behind it. A hate- or bias-related crime is one that is motivated, at least in part, because of someone’s bias or hatred of a person’s or group’s perceived race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or another characteristic. Victims of hate- and bias- related crimes often have intense feelings of vulnerability, anger, depression, physical ailments, learning problems, and difficult interpersonal relations. Hate crimes also have a psychological and emotional impact that extends far beyond the victim. Attacks motivated by bias against a person’s beliefs, values, or identity undermine freedom of expression, association, and assembly and tear at our society’s pluralistic fabric. 

Using slurs and epithets is a way of showing someone that you believe he or she is less than human and undeserving of respect. Hate crimes are a way to send a message to members of certain groups or individuals that they are unwelcome in a particular neighborhood, community, school, or workplace. Calling someone a name, refusing to rent an apartment, verbal threats, vandalism, abusive phone calls, and Internet hate mail are all examples of hate crimes. The most usual form of bias-motivated incidents on college campuses are demeaning jokes or harassing or threatening phone calls or emails. However, bias-related physical attacks and vandalism do also occur. You can make a difference by speaking out when jokes or comments are made that are hateful or demeaning and by asking yourself if you use derogatory, degrading, or offensive terms in describing others. 

Observing general safety tips may help you to avoid becoming the victim of a hate- or bias-related crime. Be alert to your surroundings, both inside and outside. Listen to and act upon your feelings and instincts. Notice people, the lighting, and access to phones and exits. Use elevators, stairs, and restrooms in well-trafficked areas. Don’t study alone in an empty classroom. Avoid deserted parking lots, empty laundry rooms, and other poorly lit or poorly populated locations. When possible, walk with a friend instead of walking alone in secluded areas or at night. When riding the subways during less traveled times of day, ride in the middle car with the conductor or the first car with the engineer. 

Carry a whistle and blow it for attention when necessary. If you feel threatened while walking, cross the street, change direction, or run to a place where there are other people. If a car is following you, turn around and walk quickly in the opposite direction. Get the license plate number and a description, if possible. If you are being followed on foot, turn around to tell the person you have seen them and then run to a place where many people will be. 

Always keep your apartment and car doors locked. If you live in an apartment with a fire escape outside a back window, you should secure it with a fire department-approved gate, an alarm, or some barrier system. A window lock is not enough. Always close your blinds/shades/curtains at night. If you decide to bring someone home, introduce him or her to a friend, acquaintance, or bartender, so that someone knows who you left with. When driving a friend home, establish a signal that the friend is in the home and safe before you drive away. If a stranger is at your door, do not give the impression that you are home alone. Shout over your shoulder or indicate in some way that there is another person present. Never open the door to strangers without verifying their identity by asking for an identification tag. Do not give out personal information over the phone or Internet. 

Finally, you are strongly encouraged to report all incidents of violence or harassment. Contact campus security or call 911, as soon as possible after the incident. If you saw the perpetrator, try to remember gender, age, height, race, weight, build, clothes, and other distinguishing characteristics. If anything was said, such as anti-gay epithets or threats, make a mental note about them, and write them down as soon as possible. If you want the crime to be reported as a hate- or bias-related crime, tell the officer to note that on the report. If the police do not assist you properly, file a complaint and contact the Office of Student Affairs or the City information number, 311.  Please note that the NYPD makes the final determination if a reported incident is considered a Hate Crime. 

The methods the college employs to advise and to update students about security procedures. 

Security procedures are available, and updated on our college website, under Public Safety. Relevant University Policy and Procedure can be found there and in our Annual Security Report.  Information about immediate updates to security procedures will be sent through school email.   

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