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10.5 Petition to Reschedule Exams

Petition to Reschedule Midterm & Final Exam Due to Emergency 

If you are registered with the Office of Student Affairs for a disability and encounter an emergency that requires you to miss a scheduled midterm or final exam you should notify the Office of Student Affairs within 24 hours of the exam to determine whether your exam can be re-scheduled. 

Valid reasons for re-scheduling an exam include, but are not limited to: severe illness, emergency hospitalization, vehicular accident, and family illness/emergency.  

Permission to re-schedule a midterm or final exam due to an emergency is at the sole discretion of the Office of Student Affairs. The Office of Student Affairs reserves the right to grant or deny a student’s petition to reschedule an exam and to set the exam date. There is no appeal process for this determination. 


Notify the Office of Student Affairs within 24 hours of the exam and submit supporting documentation verifying an extenuating circumstance that is (1) unforeseen, (2) unavoidable (3) demonstrably beyond the student’s ability to control and (4) of such severity to warrant consideration. 

Petitions that are not accompanied by supporting documentation will not be considered and may result in a grade reduction on the exam, or a grade of “Fail” (F) for the examination. 

The supporting documentation provided to the Office of Student Affairs should be typed, dated and drafted by a qualified person (see example below) 

  • In the case of emergency hospitalization or illness: documentation should be drafted by a licensed professional, including their name, title, and professional credentials, and cite the reason for hospitalization or illness for which treatment was sought. 

Exams will be re-scheduled as soon as possible after the original exam date within the exam period. Exams will not be re-scheduled beyond one day after the end of the published exam period. Please refer to the Incomplete Policy for further information. 

Petition to Reschedule Due to Conflict 
Students may petition to reschedule a final exam due to either of the following: 

1) direct conflict: two final examinations scheduled at the same time 
2) effective conflict: three final examinations scheduled within any 48-hour period 

Submit a Petition to Reschedule Due to Conflict form at least one full week before the examination.  

NOTE: Rescheduled Final Exam Fee 
All rescheduled final exams are subject to the CUNY examination fee. The fee for the first rescheduled exam is $25, with each additional examination during that semester costing $5. Fees are payable by cash or money order (no personal checks) to the Business Office before the start of the exam. You must present your paid receipt to the Office of Student Affairs, in order to take the examination. This fee applies only to final examinations. 

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