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4.4 Laptop Examination Policy

Note: This portion of the student handbook assumes we will be in the building for fall semester.

If we are still doing distance learning, Examplify will most likely not be used.

Every student who takes an exam on a laptop agrees to and is subject to this policy. Students need to have the appropriate version of Examplify software installed.

If a student has any doubts about his/her laptop’s reliability, he/she should plan to write the exam. You must be aware that, any time you use a computer, you take some risk of a malfunction occurring that cannot be corrected, regardless of the best efforts made. If your laptop fails during the exam, you will have to finish the exam by writing it. No extra time will be allowed for attempting to resolve computer problems during the exam. CUNY School of Law will not provide any technical support for any computer problems encountered on the day of the exam. Students must understand that, should your laptop fail during the exam, you will immediately request a Bluebook/Scantron and complete the exam by writing in a Bluebook/Scantron. In that situation, an attempt may be made to retrieve any portion of the exam completed on your computer from the hard drive after the exam. If the portion of an exam completed on your computer cannot be retrieved within 24 hours, the Academic Dean, in consultation with the instructor, will determine remedial options, if any.

Students are allowed to use computers to take certain exams, subject to the rules and regulations set forth in the Handbook. Individual faculty members may add further restrictions on the use of computers for examinations, or may amend the restrictions listed here. In that case, the faculty member will communicate his/her policy to the students and will provide specific, written exam instructions. Make sure you read and familiarize yourself with all the information set forth here and or applicable School rules

I. Exam Software and Hardware

If you would like to take your final exams on a laptop, you MUST have the software (Examplify) installed on your computer. You will be notified via email of the date by which you must have the software installed. However, even if you have the software installed, you may elect to take your exam by Bluebook/Scantron.

In order to take a final exam on a laptop, the laptop where Examplify is to be installed MUST meet the following minimum requirements (Examplify software will not run properly on non-compliant computers):


  1. Wireless access for downloading software and exam licenses, as well as uploading completed exam files.

  2. Windows 10, 64-bit, Professional or Enterprise Edition. Home edition of any version is NOT supported. ExamSoft does not support non-North American versions. In addition, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Vista are NOT supported.


  1. Wireless access for downloading software and exam licenses, as well as uploading completed exam files.

  2. Mac OS X 10.13 to 10.15.

How Examplify Works

Examplify is a software program that enables students to take examinations in a secure environment using a simplified word processor for essay and multiple-choice responses. Examplify locks out access to all other files and programs on the laptop while it is running.

Any attempt to disable or tamper with Examplify security features will be considered a violation of the student honor code. Features Available on Examplify

Basic editing functions are included, such as cut, copy, paste, and spell-check, as well as the ability to undo the user's last actions.

Importantly, there is an AutoSave feature that saves encrypted files every 60 seconds, so that answers typed into Examplify are unlikely to be lost in case of a computer error.

II. Prior to Exam Day

Ensure that your computer is in optimal condition:

  1. There is plenty of free disk space: your hard drive should be less than 75% full.

  2. Your laptop is virus-free: you should have the most recent virus definitions and run a scan very recently.

It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with your equipment and the Examplify software and features prior to the start of your exam. Please allow yourself ample time to become familiar with your computer and the Examplify program and take a practice exam.

Students who do not take the time to become familiar with their computer or with word processing functions, should handwrite their exams. In no case will you receive any extra time or other consideration because of a computer problem or problem with Examplify.

Use Examplify to run a practice exam on your laptop before the day of exam(s). Run the exam for an extended period of time (30+ minutes) to ensure that there are no issues running the software on your laptop.

Make sure your laptop battery is fully charged and operational. You must use the outlet power during the exam. There is always the possibility of a power outage or other incident that could cause a power interruption. This is why you need to have a functional battery.

III. Start of the Exam

A. Students MUST report to the laptop exam room 20 minutes prior to the start of the exam to set up their laptop.

  • Restart your laptop before you begin. Restart is not the same as logon, logoff, restoring from sleep, hibernate, etc.

  • If possible, sit in every other seat, but not directly behind another student.

  • Plug into a power outlet and verify it is working.

  • Disable sleep, standby, or hibernate modes.

  • Mute your speaker volume before the start of an exam.

  • Disable anti-virus software.

  • Close down ALL software applications, including Microsoft Word, leaving only your desktop. All applications will be closed when Examplify begins. You should launch Examplify and make sure your exam license is available. Notify an IT member in the room, if you are unable to download/find your exam license.

At least one IT personnel member and one proctor will be in the laptop exam room 15 minutes prior to the exam. If there are any IT- related problems during the exam, the proctor should call the help-desk line at (718) 340-4456 or x-84456 from internal phones.

B. Make sure that you bring to the Law School your computer and all necessary components, including a power cord and battery.

C. Bring a pen and pencil, just in case.

D. You will be given the exam password when the proctor tells you to start the exam. You will not be able to start the exam until you type in the exam password.

E. Remember that Examplify will prevent you from accessing ANY information that you have stored on your hard drive. If the exam is open book, you must bring hard copy print-outs of any permissible information. If you have any questions about permissible information, you must ask your professor, prior to exam day.

F. Exams will not be delayed or suspended due to computer problems, nor will you receive extra time to complete your exam. You will have to continue to write the exam in a Bluebook/Scantron. Bluebooks/Scantrons will be available in the exam room.

G. If you experience a computer problem, DO NOT attempt to resolve the problem, no matter how knowledgeable you are about computers. Immediately notify the exam room proctor and request a Bluebook/Scantron. The proctor will then give you materials to begin handwriting. Handwrite the rest of your exam, until you finish or until time is called.

No extra time will be allowed for attempting to resolve computer problems. IT will not diagnose computer problems or provide any technical support for any computer problems encountered on the day of the exam. You will have to write the remainder of the exam in a Bluebook/Scantron.

After the exam is concluded, computer support staff will attempt to recover the Examplify portion of your exam. The safety features of Examplify will, in all likelihood, allow computer support staff to recover the contents of your exam, up to the last auto-save before the problem occurred.

NOTE: there is no guarantee that your exam answers will always be recoverable in every situation. This is true no matter what electronic exam software you use.

IV. Conclusion of the Exam

When the “STOP TYPING” command is given by the proctor, you must stop typing or writing immediately. Failure to stop upon the final command will result in charges of exam procedure violation.

When you are finished with the exam (either when time is called or beforehand), exit the exam by clicking on the exam controls on the upper right-hand corner and selecting “Submit Exam.” If you are positively sure you want to exit the exam, follow the prompts to save and exit the exam. Once you exit the exam, you will not be allowed to re-enter the completed exam.

If you have wireless capability, your exam will be uploaded to the ExamSoft server automatically. If you do not have wireless capability, your exam will be saved in an encrypted format on your laptop internally. You are responsible for uploading your exam via a networked computer as soon as possible to ensure timely grading by your instructor. Once you connect to a network, restart the Examplify software, and your exam will automatically be uploaded to the ExamSoft server.

You will receive an email confirmation from ExamSoft within a few hours of the exam upload. You can also check ExamSoft for verification that your exam uploaded successfully.

Sign out and return all exam materials.

Return to your seat, quietly collect your belongings, and leave the exam room. Please take care when unplugging your computer from the outlet or power strip.

V. After Exam Day

Exams will be provided to the faculty member by his/her assistant. Electronic files will be retained by the Law School. Do not uninstall Examplify or delete your exam(s) until you are absolutely sure that any Examplify back-ups will never be needed. Please leave Examplify installed on your computer along with your exam(s), until you have received all of your final grades for the entire academic year. However, you will not be able to view these files on your laptop, since the exam is saved in an encrypted format for security reasons.

If there is a problem printing your exam, the faculty support staff will notify you by email to bring in your laptop for exam recovery.


  1. What do I need to do to take an exam on a laptop?

If you would like to take your final exams on a laptop, you must have Examplify Software installed on your exam computer.

  1. How does Examplify work?

Examplify enables you to take exams in a secure environment using a simplified word processor. Examplify locks out access to all other files and programs.

  1. What features are available on Examplify?

Basic editing functions are included, such as cut, copy, paste, and spell-check, as well as the ability to undo the user’s last actions. There is also an AutoSave feature that saves encrypted files every 60 seconds, so that answers typed into Examplify are unlikely to be lost in case of a computer error.

  1. What should I do before exam day?

Ensure that your computer is in optimal condition. If you have any doubts about your laptop’s reliability, please take your exam by Bluebook/Scantron. Familiarize yourself with the software and its features prior to the start of your exam. Run a practice exam before the day of exam(s) for an extended period of time (30+ minutes) to ensure that there are no issues concerning running the software on your laptop.

  1. What time should I report to the laptop exam room?

You MUST report to the laptop exam room 20 MINUTES PRIOR to the start of the exam to set up your laptop.

  1. What should I bring to the exam?

Make sure that you bring your computer and all necessary components, including a power cord, fully charged battery, and wireless card. Also, bring a pen and pencil.

  1. When do I start the exam?

The proctor will tell you when to start the exam, and the exam password will be given out at this time.

  1. What happens if I experience computer problems during the exam?

If you experience a computer problem, immediately notify the proctor in the exam room. He/she will notify IT of the issue. You should immediately continue writing your exam in a Bluebook/Scantron. If the problem cannot be resolved, you will have to finish the exam by Bluebook/Scantron.

  1. How will exams be submitted at the end of the exam period?

You will submit your exam to the ExamSoft server which will start automatically after you exit your exam via the wireless network. If you do NOT have wireless capability, you are responsible for uploading your exam via a networked computer as soon as possible to ensure timely grading by your instructor. Once you connect to a network, restart the Examplify software, and your exam will automatically be uploaded to the ExamSoft server.

  1. What do I do when I’m finished with the exam?

1st: Upload your exam to the ExamSoft server.

2nd: Turn in all your exam materials and sign out.

If you fail to sign out and return all materials, you will have no record of having taken the exam

  1. What should I do after the exam?

Do not uninstall Examplify or delete your exam files. Please monitor your email after the exam, in case there are problems with printing your exam.

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